Interviews with A-bomb survivors, A-bomb Legacy Successors, and peace volunteers.
Pass down a storyVol.19

I have the sense that many stories concerning the A-bomb seem to start a month or two prior to the bombing, then end two or three months afterwards.
Emeritus Professor of Hiroshima University
Dr. Nanao Kamada
Pass down a storyVol.19

Starting to give my A-bomb testimony, I learned that there are hibakusha all over the world.
A-bomb survivor
Keiko Ogura
Succeed to historyVol.18

We have to relay their thoughts. We must not forget. We must pass their experiences down to the next generation. That is what I feel strongly.
A-bomb legacy successor
Keiko Aoki
Pass down a storyVol.18

When my mother said to me,“Keiko-chan, death isn’t terrible. It isn’t frightening,” I thought, “Oh, that airplane is going to drop a bomb. And then, I’ll die.” Looking back now, it is amazing that a nine-year-old girl prepared for her death, then.
A-bomb survivor
Keiko Nakagawa
Pass down a storyVol.17

Now, many people are giving their A-bomb testimonies. I think that we, who were third-graders at the time of the A-bombing, might be the last generation who can talk about what we witnessed.
A-bomb survivor
Yoko Wada
Succeed to historyVol.17

We put much emphasis on asking the participants questions and having a dialogue, rather than conveying information to them one-sidedly.
Peace Education Director, Education Division, Peace Culture Village (NPO)
Haruki Yamaguchi
Succeed to historyVol.16

It is important to know the fact that two Malayans were killed by the A-bomb in Hiroshima.
Associate Professor/Hiroshima City University
Nurhaizal Azam
Pass down a storyVol.16

When I help a pregnant mother deliver a baby on August 6, I say to her, “If you don’t mind, would you offer a silent prayer with me?”
A-bomb survivor
Miwako Kanbe
Pass down a storyVol.15

Treat others, yourself and things with love and care. If you are considerate, you’ll have no discrimination in your mind. Friends on your side are your treasures.
A-bomb survivor
Lee Jongkeun
Succeed to historyVol.15

I would like the children I am teaching to be people who can give other people an opportunity to get involved in peace activities.
Hiroshima City elementary school teacher
Emi Imada
Pass down a storyVol.14

I have determined to keep on speaking out to the whole world, for the rest of my life, about how horrible radiation is.
A-bomb survivor
Mitsuo Kodama
Pass down a storyVol.13

You should always be aware of social problems as they affect you, then listen to the survivors' stories. Don’t be indifferent to politics, peace or poverty. This is necessary in order to have a dialogue.
A-bomb survivor
Masayo Mori
"Interviews with HIROSHIMA memory keepers" is a part of project that Hiroshima「」– 3rd Generation Exhibition: Succeeding to History
We have recorded interviews with A-bomb survivors, A-bomb Legacy Successors, and peace volunteers since 2015.

What are Hiroshima memory keepers feeling now, and what are they trying to pass on?

What can we learn from the bombing of Hiroshima? What messages can we convey to the next generation? Please share your ideas.